Monday, October 11, 2010

Karina and Friends Portrait Session

I was in Tallahassee photographing a wedding and spent one of my favorite weekends ever hanging out with friends and the Solari's. One of those days of bliss, we did a fun portrait shoot. Karina let us do a mini makeover and we had a great time putting this together. : )

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pictures I did a while back of the Kramer twins were some of my favorite so I was excited to take more of them. This shoot was taken in several of their favorite places before they moved away to start lives as a doctor family. The whole family is photogenic and deserve a lot of respect for balancing life in medical school (and now residency) and life at home with twin girls and one on the way!! Cant wait to see more Kramer kids : ) The whole family is greatly missed!

She is practicing her model face already, watch out mom and dad.

Love this couple : )

Hafling Family

We are so soo fortunate to have Dave and his kids as our neighbors. Dave is the neighbor everyone wishes they had. I don't know where we would be without him with all he fixes around our house and he is the best garage saling partner. He has twins whom we frequently measure their heights on our door as they are growing almost an inch a month right now. I wish everyone could have neighbors and friends like them.

Jacob Alexander

A truly wonderful person in my life is my friend Lauren. She is easy to like and loves her friends for who they are. I am thankful she is my friend and hopefully soon to be neighbor. Jacob has a reputation of being the perfect little baby and did a great job through the shoot. Enjoy : )

Love this one : )

Jacob's Grandmother made this for him!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Amanda and Josh

This fairy tale day was not just because of the horse-drawn carriage wedding but because of the beautiful story of the couple's relationship and pure love leading up to it. A graceful ballerina meets a pastor/model and they fall in love. Their love is one many aspire to and I am so happy I call them friends.